Friday, November 15, 2013

ObamaCare in Maryland

The Maryland Public Policy Institute recently released an analysis of the many ObamaCare implementation problems in Maryland.  The article sites a number of issues with the Maryland exchange, but the main concern I'm hearing about on the ground is that you just can't get through to sign up.  A friend who is a mother of three and has her entire family on her health insurance policy wondered if you can't even sign up without problems, what will the actual health care be like?  Most folks are in their open enrollment season under their existing plan, and don't want to take their chances with ObamaCare.  Particularly when it could have such a huge impact on their families if they make the wrong choice.  Unfortunately, according to the Heritage Foundation, approximately 76,000 Marylanders have already lost their health insurance as a result of ObamaCare.  They won't have much choice in the matter.

This will be a big issue in the 2014 election.  Maryland conservatives need to capitalize on it!

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