Thursday, October 3, 2013

Can We Shine a Spotlight on Real Accomplishments?

Texas State Senator Wendy Davis just announced she plans to run for governor of the state of Texas.  According to this article, Senator Davis has a pretty interesting story.  A self-made, single mother that elevated herself out of poverty.  Sounds like a woman after my own heart.

Despite the inspiring story, Senator Davis' rise to fame bothers me.  I am sure its a little late to comment on her now famous abortion filibuster, but I thought it was a particularly sad moment for women.  For Senator Davis to become a media sensation and receive thousands of dollars in campaign donations for filibustering a bill that would have placed restrictions on abortions is a poor reflection of our values.  Have we run out of things to celebrate?

There are female politicians all over the country doing amazing things.  Where is the media attention for them?  What about South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley's welfare to work success?  Or New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez's efforts to recruit more teachers to struggling schools?  These are real accomplishments that deserve media attention.  Hopefully we will soon see the day where true heroes get the credit they deserve. 

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